2013년 9월 22일 일요일

Some Interesting International Data

Freedom of The Press Worldwide in 2013

The Spread Of Modern Day Slavery In One Distressing Map via CNN Freedom Project

Corruption Perceptions Index 2013

Walled World

What Each Country Leads The World In

World Map of Dominating Websites

World Average Working Time and Retirement Age

Youth people aged under 25 Unemployment rate (percentage) in the European Union 2013

The World Divorce Rate

percentage of Light Hair among males age 20-30 in Europe

European Penis Size

The most frequent keyword used for porn

The World Distribution Map of Female Breast Size

The Change of Girls' Name in the United States from the 60s

The Most Famous Brand from Each State (US)

The University Logos of the States

Total adult (+15) per capita consumption, in litres of pure alcohol, 2005

The name of the national alcohol of the world

The national passport of some nations

Angela in colors