28 Rare And Dramatic Photos From History
on December 7 | By MF Jones | in PHOTOS
Here are a series of rare photographs depicting fascinating scenes and figures from years gone by, from the Bin Laden family outing to Sweden to the moment George Bush was told about 9/11.
They might just change up your entire perspective on history. Check them out:
The original Hollywood sign, 1923:

Beatles pre-fame:

Che Guevara And Fidel Castro:

The Bin Laden Fam In Sweden:

Bonnie & Clyde in 1933:

Brasilia being built in Brazil:

George Bush is told about 9/11:

Charlie Chaplin with Mahatma Gandhi:

Christ Redeemer being built in Rio:

Einstein and his crew of scientists:

Elvis in the army:

Celebrations of the end of World War II, Moscow, Red Square:

Eniac – Computer constructed in years 1943 – 45:

Evolution of Coca Cola 1899 – 1986:

One of the first ever McDonald’s restaurants:

The first Google team, 1999:

Ernest Hemingway boxing in Africa:

Japanese bomb hits deck of USS Enterprise in 1942, killing this photographer:

A KKK member being treated at an Alabama hospital:

John Lennon walks by his killer on the day he is murdered:

Lincoln conspirator execution, 1865:

Malcolm X tries to calm down Muhammad Ali, 1964:

Man destroying the Berlin Wall:

Pope Pius XI meets Adolf Hitler:

Terrible racial segregation:

The Titanic, 1912:

Woman hits skinhead, Sweden 1985:

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